marți, 19 aprilie 2011

iTEC 2011

iTEC – unul dintre cele mai importante

concursuri de iT din Timișoara

19 aprilie 2011, Timișoara.iT Engineering Contest” (iTEC) este un festival naţional, organizat în perioada 20 - 22 mai 2010 de Liga Studenţilor din Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare (Liga AC), din Universitatea “Politehnica” Timişoara.

Aflat la a patra ediţie, proiectul a fost conceput pe ideea dezvoltării unei societați bazate pe cunoaştere, la care participă studenţi, cadre didactice, firme de specialitate și elevi din liceele de profil din țară.

În acest sens, iTEC are ca scop dezvoltarea capacității studenților de a-şi folosi cunoștințele şi experiența dobândită în cadrul facultății, având posibilitatea de a participa la probe din domeniile software și hardware, de a-şi testa capabilitățile de muncă în echipă și de a se afirma.

Elevii au ocazia de a intra în contact cu mediul academic din Universitatea “Politehnica” Timișoara prin intermediul vizitelor la cursuri şi laboratoare în cadrul instituției, a campusului universitar, dar și a Municipiului Timişoara.

Participanții vor avea acces în laboratoarele Facultății de Automatică și Calculatoare pe toată perioada desfășurării concursului. Înscrierile se pot face până în data de 20 mai 2010. Formularul de înscriere, cât și alte informații se pot găsi pe site-ul concursului:

ISWinT 2011

Applications for ISWinT 2011 are open! Apply until the 15th of May!

ISWinT team is proud to announce that preparations for this year’s festival are in full swing. The theme for this summer is “Celebrate Innovation. Keep Tradition”. The reason behind this particular choice of words is to emphasize the antithesis that appears between tradition and innovation, two sides of a continuously flipping coin.

But fellow ISWinTers, be warned, this year will bring the 18th edition of ISWinT, a special age which has a symbolic meaning throughout the world. It brings forth maturity, while reaching for a brand new level of understanding and vision upon the world. We might have to take a long look into the past, and not let go of the passion with which we cling to it, nor let it slide into suffocating routine, but let it merge with the always new and improved tomorrow. Therefore, in the spirit of this bright vision of the future, we look forward to have you celebrate our 18th birthday with us.

So, for those on the lookout for a memorable and unique experience, we are excited to announce that you can start planning to have a great time here in Timisoara for a 10 day ISWinT, starting with the 18th of July until the 27th of the same month. Here are some things you should know:
Application period: April 4 – May 15
Confirmation period: May 15 – June 10

For 100€, we provide accommodation, food and materials for the workshops, as well as the means to visit the surrounding areas of Timisoara in a two-day trip right in the middle of the festival. This journey will help the participants gain a better grasp of understanding the habit of alternating between innovation and tradition – which is obviously linked to the mentality and requirements of the place in question – while stating the need to always keep both at hand when trying to build a solid and flourishing future.
And as the way to successfully merge any two elements is to give the participants an insight into how they can be applied in the everyday life, the workshops this year will have the traditional flavor of folk dancing or the raw beauty of pottery, while introducing the cutting edge field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), or sharing various techniques in photography, video or stop motion.
Having said that, we can only wait for you to apply and eagerly await this year’s

Timisoara: 18 years of unifying the world!

luni, 18 aprilie 2011